Are you looking for a powerpoint to keep you on track during your wonders routine? My wonders powerpoints are the perfect way to stop fumbling through different tabs in the online teacher's guide! It will keep you on track and ensure you get through all of the material! It is 100% editable, so you are able to add, delete, and/or change anything you want, ensuring it is aligned with the expectations of you and your school.
- 500 page powerpoint
- 3 anchor charts (realistic fiction, fantasy, and characters)
project and trace or print to put in student notebooks
- writing pages with checklists
To prepare the powerpoint, all you need to do is add in the copyrighted material (i.e., stories, vocabulary word photos, etc.). These items are not allowed to be in the powerpoint when it is sold, as it is not only against TpT guidelines but also against the law. Even though you need to prep the powerpoint, it will still save you hours of prep time each week! It takes about 3-4 hours to create these powerpoints. Instead of spending your evenings and weekends creating these, all you need to do is take less than an hour to add in the copyrighted material. After you add it all, save the powerpoint to your computer so it all ready to go for next year (AKA ZERO prep time next year- YAY)!
Aligns with the 2023 version (please note that the 2017 and 2020 versions are VERY similar). Please email me @ if you would like to compare this powerpoint to your version of Wonders :))
Comes as a PowerPoint but can easily be uploaded to Google Slides. (Keep in mind that the fonts used will not upload to Google Slides; instead, Google Slides will use a similar font). The format may also get skewed when uploading to Google Slides. You may need to adjust the text on many slides if you choose to upload it.